How to choose the compressor?

The question of choosing the right compressor may seem complex, whether you are a professional with specific needs or an individual looking for a solution for your DIY projects. However, taking into account some key criteria, it is possible to significantly simplify this decision. This article aims to provide you with practical advice to make the best choice, without drowning in an unnecessary technical jargon.

Understanding your needs

Needs assessment

Before diving into the specificities of the compressors, it is crucial to define precisely what the device will be for. The requirements of a professional workshop, where the compressor can be requested throughout the day to supply pneumatic tools or perform paint work, differ greatly from the occasional needs of an amateur treader. Evaluate the frequency of use, the types of tools to be fed, and the portability required for your compressor.

Capacity and power

An essential aspect in the choice of a compressor is its capacity (air tank volume) and its power (usually expressed in horsepower or kW). A larger tank allows for more autonomy before the engine gets back into operation to recompress air, which is particularly useful for air greedy tools or prolonged use. The power of the compressor, on the other hand, determines the speed at which the tank is filled and must be in line with the needs of the tools you plan to use.

Select the right compressor type

Piston or screw compressors?

Piston compressors are the most common for domestic and semi-professional applications. They are generally cheaper and suitable for intermittent use. For industrial applications or for intensive use, screw compressors, although more expensive, offer better durability, quieter operation and capacity to operate continuously.

Portable or fixed?

The question of portability is also to be considered. A portable compressor is ideal if you need to move it regularly, either around your workshop or at different sites. Fixed models are suitable for a permanent installation and generally offer greater capabilities and powers.

Additional features to be considered

Sound level

The noise generated by the compressor can be an important criterion, especially if you work in a residential environment or if you are sensitive to noise. Some models are designed to be quieter, which can represent a considerable advantage.

Maintenance and sustainability

The maintenance required to keep your compressor in good working condition is another factor to take into account. Piston compressors generally require more attention than screw models. Also assess the manufacturer's reputation and the availability of spare parts.


Choosing the right compressor should not be a source of stress. By clearly defining your needs, understanding the fundamental differences between compressor types and considering features such as capacity, power, sound level, and maintenance requirements, you will be well equipped to make an informed choice. Whether you are a professional looking for a reliable tool for your projects or an individual wishing to improve your DIY workshop, the market offers a wide range of options that can meet your needs. Finally, do not forget to consult user reviews and purchase guides to refine your decision, ensuring that your investment will be wise in the long term.

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