·        Workshop doors: mobile carts with drawers and shelves to store tools.

·        Inserts or tools: custom compartments for an optimal organization.

·        Benefits: order, cleanliness, savings, ergonomics and occupational safety.

·        Different types adapted to the specific needs of each trade.

Workshop workers with their inserts are essential equipment for professionals in various sectors such as mechanical, automotive, industry and many others. These storage and organisation tools reduce daily work by enabling the efficient storage and transport of the necessary tools and parts. In this article, we explore in detail the servants and inserts, their benefits, the different types available and their importance to improve productivity and efficiency in the professional environment.

Workshop maids: Practical companions

Workshop maids are roller wagons equipped with drawers, cabinets and shelves. They offer an organized storage space for the tools and accessories needed for professionals. Their mobility allows users to move them easily around the workshop or site, thus avoiding frequent trips to search for tools and thus improving productivity.

The inserts: Customized compartments

The inserts, also known as tooling foams, are custom compartments designed to fit perfectly with the drawers of the handmaids. They allow to organize tools and parts in a simplified and secure way. With specific prints, each tool finds its place, making it easy to quickly locate and return to its original position after use.

Benefits of handmaids and inserts

Handmaids and inserts offer many benefits to professionals. First, they help to maintain order and cleanliness in the workspace, which is essential for increased efficiency. In addition, they reduce the risk of losing or damaging tools, resulting in savings in terms of replacement. Servants and inserts are also ergonomic, as they avoid workers to lean or decrease to seek tools, thus the risk of injury and fatigue.

Different types of servants and inserts

There is a wide variety of servants and inserts on the market, adapted to the specific needs of each trade. Some models are designed for specific tools such as keys, screwdrivers or clamps, while others offer versatility to store a wide range of tools. In addition, inserts are available in different materials such as foam, EVA (vinyl ethylene-acetate) or plastic, offering different protection and organisational characteristics.


Servants and inserts are essential equipment for professionals looking for optimal organisation and productivity in their daily work. These tools offer significant advantages in storage, safety and ergonomics, which improves the efficiency and quality of work. Whether you are a mechanic, an electrician, or any other professional, invest in workshop servants with suitable inserts is a wise decision that facilitates your daily tasks and contributes to the excellence of your work.


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